Law & Contracts

  • Introduction to CCDC & CCA Standard Contract Documents

    Introduction to CCDC & CCA Standard Contract Documents

    Contracting industries in Canada benefit greatly from having access to standardized contract forms and other documents which assist us in creating agreements with clients and to manage those agreements. Along with the Canadian Construction Association,...

  • Managing CCDC Contracts for Project Success

    Managing CCDC Contracts for Project Success

    NOT opening, reading and understanding the contract requirements until it's too late is exactly what gets us into trouble time and time again on construction projects. Waiting until there is conflict and only then referring to the contract to see how, or...

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  • Tender, Contract & Builders Lien Law

    Tender, Contract & Builders Lien Law

    The legal rights and obligations of those involved in a construction project crystallize in the tendering phase and end well after the project is completed. During the construction process, those legal rights and obligations change and expand based on,...

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